◆TICAのSpecial Board Meeting(電話会議)が25日に開催されます。
★Patternとして「Charcoal」が加わり、BGのPatternは(1)Spotted、(2)Marbled、(3)Charcoal Spotted、(4)Charcoal Marbledの4種類に増えます。
PENALIZE: Spots on body running together vertically forming a mackerel tabby pattern on spotted cats; circular bulls-eye pattern on marbled cats; substantially darker point color (as compared to color of body markings) in Seal Sepia, Seal Mink, or Seal Lynx Point cats EXCEPT in the case of any Charcoal Sepia, Charcoal Mink or Charcoal Lynx Point cats. Any distinct locket on the neck, chest, abdomen or any other area.
★Charcoal PatternはUCDにおいて以下のように定義されています。
71.8.3 Charcoal Tabby. A pattern effect caused by an agouti variant affecting pigment distribution. It is characterized as an increase in dark pigment wherever pigment is already present on the tabby coat. This creates multiple pattern effects on the coat such as darker ground and marking coloration, a broader dorsal stripe, and/or a noticeably darker coloration along the nose bridge and cheek bones, which are accented by near white goggles encircling the eyes. Charcoal is a tabby pattern effect and not a color. All patterns of the charcoal tabby are possible, as are all basic eumelanistic colors. The charcoal effect is the result of the use of the Asian Leopard Cart (Prionailurus bengalensis) in the development of the Bengal breed.
★BGにおけるCharcoal Tabbyについては以下の説明が新たに提案されています。
Charcoal Tabby: The face should include a mask that is dark in color. It should run over the nose and connect at the cheekbones. In addition, the eyes shall be encircled by near white colored goggles. There should be a broad dark dorsal stripe running the length of the back (preferable but not required in the color point series ONLY).
(1) Shape:Broad modified wedge, with slightly rounded contours, with the appearance of a flat plane in area between ears when looking at the head from the front, skull medium in size.
(2) Eyes:Blue, deeper color preferred. Large oval. Level set; moderately wide apart. Emphasis should be on correct shape, size and placement.
(3) Chin:well-developed, with good depth, forming a perpendicular line with the upper lip and tip of the nose.
(4) Profile:Straight nose to bridge, followed by a concave curve to the brow. Convex curve to the forehead. Appearance of a flat plane between the ears.
(5) Coat Length:Semi-long, allow for shorter coats on unaltered adults and seasonal variations. Correct coat texture is more important than coat length.
(6) Coat Texture:Silky soft. Minimal undercoat gives the coat body, but coat still falls smoothly. Not wooly or cottony.
(7) Bicolor Pattern:Feet and Legs: All white preferred. Paw Pads: Pink preferred.
(8) General Discription:The Ragdoll is a semi-long haired, blue-eyed, pointed cat with a sweet personality. They are a well-balanced cat of moderate type, with no extremes, and no one feature overpowering another. The Ragdoll grows large and heavy but is slow to mature and may not reach full weight and size for four years. Full color is not reached until 3 years
old. The Ragdoll is muscular with little fat except on the lower abdomen fatty pad.
General:Seasonal changes in coat length, shorter coats on unaltered adults and kittens. Females may be smaller than males.
Mitted and Bicolor Patterns only: Feet and Legs: Small spots of point color in designated white areas
Paw Pads: Spots of point color on paw pads or colored paw pads
(10) Penalize:Very small ears, any eye shape other than oval, Roman nose, straight profile, cobby body, short legs, short tail, wooly/cottony coat texture.
(11) WW:
General: Any eye color other than blue. Doming.
Pointed: Any white.
Mitted: Lack of white chin.
Bicolor: Any dark markings inside the white “V” including the chin.
(12) DQ:Crossed eyes, visible or severe tail faults, severe cow hocks.