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« TICA投票②Proposal 3 - Amend Bylaws 122.2.1 and 122.2.2 (Complaints) | トップページ | TICA投票④Proposal 5 - Amend Show Rule 26.1 and Standing Rule »

2024年11月 4日 (月)

TICA投票③Proposal 4 - Amend Show Rule 21.73(Congress Judging Formats)


◆Proposal 4 - Amend Show Rule 21.73(Congress Judging Formats)



21.73 Breed/Multi-Breed Congress Formats - The club may choose one of the following judging options:
21.73ブリード/マルチブリードの「コングレス」 - クラブは以下の審査形式からいずれかを選択できる。

21.73.1 A ring judge judges all entries in a class and, in addition, also judges entries selected for the breed/multi-breed congress at a different time during the show.
21.73.1 リングジャッジはクラス内の全てのエントリーを審査し、さらにそのショーの別の時間帯にブリード/マルチブリードコングレスに参加するエントリーも審査する。

21.73.2 A ring judge judges all entries in a class. A different judge judges only the congress entries.
21.73.2 リングジャッジはクラス内のすべてのエントリーを審査する。別のジャッジがコングレスに参加するエントリーだけを審査する。



21.70 Breed Congresses - Shows wherein cats of the same breed compete for awards. No breed congress may be held unless there are at least 20 or more cats present and competing. Finals are awarded as set out in 212.3.

21.72 Multiple Breed Congresses - Multiple breeds of cats compete for awards, generally but not necessarily breeds of like conformation or type. No multiple breed congress may be held unless there are at least 20 or more cats present and competing. Finals are awarded as set out in 212.3.

27.8 Congresses which include breeds of cats of a single coat length (i.e. longhair or shorthair) shall be judged as Specialty rings. Congresses which include breeds of cats of both coat lengths (i.e. longhair and shorthair) shall be judged as allbreed rings.

29.3.2 No club may contract any judge to judge any cat or cats more than twice in 1 day, three times in 2 days or four times in 3 days, including congresses except in cases of emergency whereby a contracted judge has canceled, and a new (i.e. different) judge cannot be contracted. (See Show Rule 29.3.1.) Separate "rings" shall be provided by the show management for each judge. This includes household pet rings and congresses.

212.3 Number of Final Places Awarded



« TICA投票②Proposal 3 - Amend Bylaws 122.2.1 and 122.2.2 (Complaints) | トップページ | TICA投票④Proposal 5 - Amend Show Rule 26.1 and Standing Rule »

