①SR/SRLのBODYにおける「Chest」が「full」から「full and deep」に変わりましたが、「deep」なchestが求められている猫種は以下の通りです。
▶CX:BODY:Torso: Sturdy with broad shoulders and deep chest, medium long in length.
▶CU:BODY:Torso: Long, lean, flat-sided and deep chested. The large rectangular body is firm, but not broad or bulky
▶CR:BODY:Shape: Long, with full and deep rib cage. Trunk follows upward curve of back bone forming a "tuck-up' with rounded hips that are somewhat heavy in proportion to rest of body. Small to medium in size, males proportionately larger. Cornish Rex is a curly-coated, fine boned cat that stands high on its legs. It has a distinctive arched back, deep rib cage and "tuck-up" resembling a greyhound.(※「rib cage」は「胸郭」で、英語の説明としては「the bony enclosing wall of the chest」)
▶MC/MCP:Broad, deep chest.
▶PS/HI/ES:BODY Torso: Cobby, firm, well-rounded mid section, in proportion. Medium to large in size. Back short and level. The chest is to be deep; equally massive across the shoulders and rump with a short, well-rounded abdomen and ribs.
▶SV:BODY Torso: The torso is long, lean and well muscled with a full deep rib cage, prominent shoulder blades, a slight, but not extreme, tuck-up and a rounded rump. The hip and thigh are full and long and somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body.
▶TG:BODY Torso: Medium to deep, long and muscular with rolling contours; strong and robust but not blocky. Strength is in the forequarters. Shoulders may interrupt top line. Chest is broad and deep, never interrupting neckline from head to foreleg.
②BODY Shapeが「Rectangular」→「More rectangular than square in shape」に変わりましたが、「Rectangular Body」が求められている猫種は次の通りです。
▶SG Torso: Medium to small, neither cobby nor rangy. The body, legs and floor should form a square when viewed from the shoulder blades to the base of the tail. Mid-section not tucked but firm. Rib cage rounded, back slightly arched.
④Legs & Feetに「substantial boning」を追加しましたが、同様の表現は以下の猫種のStandardにも出てきます。
また、FeetではABT/ABSが「Large and round feet」となっており、SR/SRLと同じということになります。