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« 東京地裁「尋問」、〝セカンドハラスメント〟の場ではない⑳ | トップページ | Spring Board Meeting TICAルール改正案①:By-Law 17.4 Breed Committee »

2021年5月15日 (土)


21~23日にTICA Spring Board Meetingが開催される予定で、既にAgenda(議案)もアップされていますので、恒例のルール改正案のポイント解説をしたいと思います。

その前に、今年に入って行われたSpecial Board Meetingの主な内容についてざっと紹介しておきます。

TICA Asia East Region公式サイトでは3日に「2021/2022ショーシーズンに関して(アイソテッド・エリアのルール適応の延長)」と題する「お知らせ」が掲載されましたが、これを読んでパッと理解できたメンバーは多くはないのではないかと思います。

要は、コロナ下において全ての地域で「Isolated Area」としての適用を継続するというものですが、「RW」「IW」の適用基準の変更継続やショーライセンスに関する規定の適用継続の決議もあり、Directorであるならメンバーに対して順を追って丁寧に説明する必要があるのではないでしょうか。

【3・23 Board Meetingで901.4.3.2と4を改正】(BB21-04)

第1弾としてボードは、「RW」に関するStanding Rules 901.4.3.2と901.4.3.4を改正し、これまで「2020/2021」までとしていた期間を「2022/2023」までに変更しました。(※14人のDirectorが賛成/2人のDirectorが反対)

901.4.3.2 In order for a cat/kitten to be eligible for a regional award, it must be shown at least once in that region. An exception will be made in the case of kittens and household pet kittens in that a show as an adult will fill the requirement that they be shown one time in the region. This rule is suspended for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 show seasons.

901.4.3.4 Regional Awards. Regional Awards will be presented to the 25 cats, kittens, alters, household pets, household pet kittens and 25 longhair cats and 25 shorthair cats having the highest aggregate points of all cats, kittens, alters, household pets and household pet kittens, as applicable in the region, beginning with show season 2021/2022 2022/2023 the aggregate points must be at least 1,000 (600 for International area). The following requirement is suspended for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 show seasons: In order to receive a Regional Award, the owner of the cat, kitten, alter, household pet and household pet kitten must have exhibited the cat, kitten, alter, household pet or household pet kitten, as applicable, in at least one TICA sanctioned cat show in the regions presenting the award during the show year for which the regional award was earned. All awards earned during the show year will be listed accordingly for every region or recognized area and internationally.

TICA Asia East Region公式サイトではいきなり207.1.1に言及していますが、どうしてその前段となる大切なルールの改正についても丁寧に説明しないのか全く理解できません。(※説明できないのか、説明したくないのか、説明する必要がないと判断したのか不明です)



【3・23 Board Meetingで207.1.1を改正】(BB21-05)

 次の段階として「Isolated Area」の適用延長に関するStanding Rule 207.1.1を改正し、今シーズンも日本を含む全ての地域で「Isolated Area」とすることを決めました。(※14人のDirectorが賛成/2人のDirectorが反対)

207.1.1 Requirements for Titles. All points earned are cumulative. After earning the points required for one title, any remaining points apply to the next title[EW1]. For purposes of scoring for individual cat titles, cats shown in the 2019/2020 show season will have titles recomputed under Standing Rule Isolated Areas and be notified that those titles may be claimed. Those cats, along with additional cats shown in the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 show seasons, will continue to earn titles computed under Standing Rule Areas through April 30, 2021 2022. At the conclusion of the 2020/2021 2021/2022 show seasons and prior to reverting to non-isolated scoring, the Executive Office will notify owners of any unclaimed titles earned under these rules and allow a reasonable period of time to claim titles.


For consistency with the 2020/2021 show season, permission to hold an Alternative Format show is automatically granted by all RDs to all clubs in their region for the 2021/2022 Show Season.

これにより、オルタネイティブショーを開催する場合、今シーズンもTICA Asia East Directorの事前承諾を得る必要はありません。(※決議上は自動的に事前承諾が与えられるという規定になっています)

【3・23 ショーライセンス申請/発行について】(BB21-07)


By-Law 17.2.2に基づき、Show Rule 22.4.1及び22.4.5並びにStanding Ruleで定めた期限について、TICA本部は可能な限り柔軟に対応するとし、このガイドラインの期間中はStanding Rule 202.4.6は適用されません。また、ここで言及したルールの例外はケースバイケースで判断され、ショーライセンスの申請がショー開催日の10営業日前を過ぎて受理された場合はTICAボードが最終決定することになります。(※14人のDirectorが賛成/2人のDirectorが反対)

Guidelines for Show licensing and Announcement during the Pandemic of Covid-19. Due to the restrictions imposed by local authorities in many countries due to Covid-19, there are existing difficulties in scheduling shows with the required advance notice in some specific situations. Pursuant By-Laws 17.2.2, the Executive Office is authorized to be as flexible as possible regarding the deadlines defined in Show Rules 22.4.1 and 22.4.5 and Standing Rule During the term of these guidelines, Standing Rule 202.4.6 is suspended. Exceptions to the cited rules must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The Board will make the ultimate decision in the case that an application for a show license is received less than 10 working days prior to the show date.

※By-Law 17.2.2 The Board of Directors shall adopt standing rules and guidelines governing the affairs of the Association including but not limited to the function of all employees, appointed officials and committees, the Judging Program, method of determining Annual Awards, the requirements for recognition of new breeds and colors. The Board of Directors shall do anything necessary and proper that is lawful and not prohibited by these By-Laws for the welfare and benefit of the Association.

※Show Rule 22.4.1 A show shall not be held under the auspices of this association unless the show has been issued a show license at least 30 days prior to the first date of the show.

※Show Ruke 22.4.5 All fees must be paid to Executive Office at least 30 days prior to the opening day of the show unless other arrangements have been made in writing with the Executive Office.

※Standing RuleとStanding Rule 202.4.6はStanding Rules(Version B 07-May-21)に記載がありません。

【5・14 Board meetingで901.4.3.4と5を改正】(BB21-11)

第4弾として、「RW」については3・23 Special Board Meetingでの改正決議を受けてさらに改正し、「RW」を獲得するためのAwardポイントとして最低1000点(INリジョンは600点)でなければならないとの規定を、最低500点(INリジョンは300点)と引き下げる一方、「IW」に関しては最低1000点としました。(※14人のDirectorが賛成/2人のDirectorが反対)

901.4.3.4 Regional Awards. Regional Awards will be presented to the 25 cats, kittens, alters, household pets, household pet kittens and 25 longhair cats and 25 shorthair cats having the highest aggregate points of all cats, kittens, alters, household pets and household pet kittens, as applicable in the region, for the 2021/2022 show season the aggregate points must be at least 500 (300 for International area). bBeginning with show season 2022/2023 the aggregate points must be at least 1,000 (600 for International area). The following requirement is suspended for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 show seasons: In order to receive a Regional Award, the owner of the cat, kitten, alter, household pet and household pet kitten must have exhibited the cat, kitten, alter, household pet or household pet kitten, as applicable, in at least one TICA sanctioned cat show in the regions presenting the award during the show year for which the regional award was earned. All awards earned during the show year will be listed accordingly for every region or recognized area and internationally.

901.4.3.5 International Awards. International Awards will be presented to the 25 cats, kittens, alters, and household pets, household pet kittens; and 25 longhair cats and 25 shorthair cats having the highest aggregate points of all cats, kittens, alters, household pets, and household pet kittens, as applicable, in the association during the applicable show year, providing those points aggregate at least 1,000. International Breed Awards will be presented to the cat, kitten, and alter having the highest aggregate of points in each Championship breed, provided those points aggregate at least 1000. All awards earned during the show year will be listed accordingly for every region or recognized area and internationally.

【Isolated AreaにおけるAwardポイント】

TICA Asia East Region公式サイトの「お知らせ」には、「下記は2020−2021年度にお知らせしたルール変更の内容となります。(ご参照ください)」とあり、「1.タイトルの要件緩和」と書いてありますが、Isolated AreaにおけるAwardポイント自体についてルール変更があったり、最近になって特に要件が緩和された事実はありません。

Isolated AreaにおけるAwardポイントは、日本がIsolated Areaであった時代からルールとして存在し、今回、日本を含めて全地域がIsolated Areaとすることになったためにそれの基準を適用します…というだけの話に過ぎませんので、誤解なきようお願いいたします。

※「東京地裁『尋問』、〝セカンドハラスメント〟の場ではない」「Asia East Region公式サイトの議事録『和訳』で理解できる?」「ベンガルは本当に『確立された猫種』と言えるか?」は休みました。












« 東京地裁「尋問」、〝セカンドハラスメント〟の場ではない⑳ | トップページ | Spring Board Meeting TICAルール改正案①:By-Law 17.4 Breed Committee »
