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« 実録「出陳拒否」裁判、被告側本人尋問(8) | トップページ | 実録「出陳拒否」裁判、被告側本人尋問(9) »

2017年3月 9日 (木)

Online Toybob セミナー(4)



Profile: Distinctly curved profile with a dip from the forehead to the nose at the eye-middle level. Definite stop is not allowed. Nose is medium in length. Bridge of the nose is slightly curved.Forehead is full, not flat


特に「Distinctly curved profile」という使い方は、「Toybobo」が初めてです。



JAPANESE BOBTAIL (JB/JBL) Profile: A gentle dip at or just below eye level

TONKINESE (TO) Profile: Slight convex curve from top of head to just above eyes, dipping to a gentle stop at or just below eye level, with no appearance of a break. Cheekbones are high and gently planed.

KURILIAN BOBTAIL (KB/KBL) Profile: Flat to ever-so-slightly rounded forehead with a very slight dip at the eyes and a straight nose.

MANX BREED (MX/CY) Profile: Gentle nose dip with a moderately rounded forehead.

TURKISH VAN (TV) Profile: Slight dip below eye level marked by a change in direction of hair growth.

ちなみに、HIGHLANDER (HG/HGS)だと、「PENALIZE」のところに「dip」が出てきて、:「Excessive dip in the nose」と規定されています。


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